Current Sermon Series

As I type this, my mind is on some vacation time I have coming up. Not all my mind, but I’m definitely ready for some downtime! I told our former Worship Pastor, Allen, that I was really mad at him for retiring. This was a joke of course with the punch line going something like, “ . . . because I really don’t like replacing staff.” The hiring process is quite a bit of work with constant interviews, following up on references, lining up visits, and LOTS of prayer. Over the course of this process, I’ve interviewed six candidates. I shared last month that I had narrowed the list down to three quality candidates. Of those three, there was one that stood out for a number of reasons, but ultimately because I truly believe that he belongs here at RCC. If you were with us online or on campus on January 26th, you were able to worship alongside that candidate, Keith Torres. While Keith did a nice job of leading and blending in with our worship team, it wasn’t his talent that stood out to me while he was here. I knew he was talented. I’ve seen multiple videos, and I’ve talked to members of his team in his current ministry. Talent was never in question. Over the course of multiple interviews, I got to know Keith and see his heart for the Lord, for his family, and for his Lord’s church. While here in NWA, Keith and his wife, Courtney, met several times with my wife, Alecia, and myself, members of our Worship Ministry and our elders. Before Keith came, I had a feeling that he would be the person to lead our Worship Ministry moving forward, but I wanted to pray and vet Keith further. I called Keith after further prayer and feedback from leaders, including our elders, and offered him the opportunity to be our Worship Pastor. Keith and Courtney gladly accepted! Keith is going to wrap up a fruitful ministry in Royal Palm Beach, Florida and relocate his wife, and their two boys, Michael and Christian, to NWA. Keith will officially start with us on Monday, March 10th. I don’t want to go any further without saying, “Thank You!” to our Worship Ministry volunteers. You’re doing such an incredible job of inspiring us each and every Sunday. I can’t wait for all of you to get to work with Keith!
This would be a good time to let you know that this will be a bit of a potpourri-type newsletter article. Even though January and February are usually slower months, there’s still plenty going on! I am so thankful for the book of Daniel! I have enjoyed my deep dives into the rich texts that I’ve preached through in the month of January. We will finish our Among the Lions series on February 9th and will begin our new series on February 16th. On the 16th, we’ll kick off our message series, Devoted & United, Key Practices of the New Testament Church. Our opening message will be examining the Scriptures that were instrumental in birthing the nondenominational movement that RCC was born from: The Restoration Movement. We’ll then look at two ordinances in the church that are near and dear to our hearts in baptism and communion. Our final message will be on the value of church participation. I think you’ll get a lot out of this series, especially if you’re unfamiliar with The Restoration Movement, or are somewhat new at RCC. I want to take a second to highlight the message I’ll be bringing on March 2nd in this series. This message will focus on baptism. If you or perhaps a child or grandchild are considering surrendering your life to Jesus, please know that baptism is a simple, but important, part of that surrender. While we don’t do a “baptism Sunday” as some churches do, this is about as close to that as we get. If you’ve never been immersed as a faithful response to the good news of Jesus Christ, please be prayerful as we approach this message. Maybe it’s time!
It’s good to see more and more people signing up for our online church directory! We really want to encourage all our members and regular attenders to get signed up ASAP. This is a great tool to connect, and it’s especially a huge help to our leaders. You can start the process by clicking the “Directory Registration Sign Up” icon on the home page of the RCC app, or you can simply click this link: and get started on our website. Once you provide your name and email address, you will receive a follow-up email for instructions on how to move forward. Quick note: IF YOU’VE ALREADY FILLED OUT THE FORM, please check your email and follow the instructions to set up your account and build your profile. Once you’ve done that and uploaded your picture, you’re done!
As I wind down the article, I want to ask you to join me in praying for our giving. Through the first four months of our fiscal year, we are behind where we were last year. So, as I said at our By The Numbers presentation earlier in January, our giving is behind a significant amount early in the year while our attendances are up. I and the elders have discussed this, prayed about it, and we don’t know why. We are thankful that we have funds that in a pinch could be moved over, but we really don’t want to have to do that. To be clear, I’m not asking you to give. You already do or you already don’t. I’m asking you to join me and the elders as we pray for God to make up the shortfall. Despite the shortfall, we are in a blessed place financially. There is no panic. Truth is, we’ve been here before. We didn’t give our way through it, we prayed our way through it. God has been faithful every time. As you remember your church this month, please pray for her giving. Thanks, RCC!
God bless you, RCC!
In Christ,
This would be a good time to let you know that this will be a bit of a potpourri-type newsletter article. Even though January and February are usually slower months, there’s still plenty going on! I am so thankful for the book of Daniel! I have enjoyed my deep dives into the rich texts that I’ve preached through in the month of January. We will finish our Among the Lions series on February 9th and will begin our new series on February 16th. On the 16th, we’ll kick off our message series, Devoted & United, Key Practices of the New Testament Church. Our opening message will be examining the Scriptures that were instrumental in birthing the nondenominational movement that RCC was born from: The Restoration Movement. We’ll then look at two ordinances in the church that are near and dear to our hearts in baptism and communion. Our final message will be on the value of church participation. I think you’ll get a lot out of this series, especially if you’re unfamiliar with The Restoration Movement, or are somewhat new at RCC. I want to take a second to highlight the message I’ll be bringing on March 2nd in this series. This message will focus on baptism. If you or perhaps a child or grandchild are considering surrendering your life to Jesus, please know that baptism is a simple, but important, part of that surrender. While we don’t do a “baptism Sunday” as some churches do, this is about as close to that as we get. If you’ve never been immersed as a faithful response to the good news of Jesus Christ, please be prayerful as we approach this message. Maybe it’s time!
It’s good to see more and more people signing up for our online church directory! We really want to encourage all our members and regular attenders to get signed up ASAP. This is a great tool to connect, and it’s especially a huge help to our leaders. You can start the process by clicking the “Directory Registration Sign Up” icon on the home page of the RCC app, or you can simply click this link: and get started on our website. Once you provide your name and email address, you will receive a follow-up email for instructions on how to move forward. Quick note: IF YOU’VE ALREADY FILLED OUT THE FORM, please check your email and follow the instructions to set up your account and build your profile. Once you’ve done that and uploaded your picture, you’re done!
As I wind down the article, I want to ask you to join me in praying for our giving. Through the first four months of our fiscal year, we are behind where we were last year. So, as I said at our By The Numbers presentation earlier in January, our giving is behind a significant amount early in the year while our attendances are up. I and the elders have discussed this, prayed about it, and we don’t know why. We are thankful that we have funds that in a pinch could be moved over, but we really don’t want to have to do that. To be clear, I’m not asking you to give. You already do or you already don’t. I’m asking you to join me and the elders as we pray for God to make up the shortfall. Despite the shortfall, we are in a blessed place financially. There is no panic. Truth is, we’ve been here before. We didn’t give our way through it, we prayed our way through it. God has been faithful every time. As you remember your church this month, please pray for her giving. Thanks, RCC!
God bless you, RCC!
In Christ,
Contact Zach Here:
Welcome Keith & Courtney Torres!

Iglesia Cristiana
Carta Pastoral: Juntos con Dios Todo es Posible
Querida familia en Cristo de Rogers Christian Church y Rogers Comunidad Cristiana,
Reciban un saludo lleno de amor y bendición en el nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Oro para que la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, guarde sus corazones y pensamientos en estos tiempos de prueba y desafío.
Hoy quiero hablarles desde mi corazón pastoral, con preocupación y esperanza, porque sé que muchos de ustedes están enfrentando circunstancias difíciles. En nuestro caminar con Cristo, nos encontramos con pruebas que pueden parecer abrumadoras, momentos en los que el mundo parece estar en contra nuestra y en los que la fe se pone a prueba como oro en el fuego.
Pero no estamos solos. La Palabra nos da ejemplos de hombres y mujeres que enfrentaron desafíos extraordinarios con una fe inquebrantable. Pensemos en Daniel y sus amigos en Babilonia. Fueron llevados a una tierra extraña, enfrentaron la presión de una cultura que no adoraba a Dios, y aun así se mantuvieron firmes.
Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego fueron arrojados al horno de fuego porque se rehusaron a doblar sus rodillas ante un rey terrenal. Pero en medio de las llamas, no estaban solos: Dios mismo estuvo con ellos y los libró (Daniel 3:25).
Daniel fue arrojado al foso de los leones porque se mantuvo fiel en su oración a Dios. Pero el Señor cerró la boca de los leones y lo libró (Daniel 6:22).
A pesar de estar en Babilonia, lejos de su hogar, Daniel y sus amigos no dejaron que su entorno definiera su fe. Se mantuvieron firmes en Dios y Él les dio gracia, sabiduría y victoria.
Querida iglesia, hoy vivimos en un mundo que muchas veces se siente como Babilonia. La presión de la cultura, las pruebas económicas, la enfermedad, la incertidumbre y el sufrimiento pueden hacernos sentir como si estuviéramos en un horno de fuego o en un foso de leones. Pero quiero recordarles: ¡No estamos solos!
Dios sigue con nosotros, como estuvo con Daniel y sus amigos. Él sigue cerrando bocas de leones, sigue caminando con nosotros en el fuego, sigue sosteniendo a su pueblo. No teman. No se rindan. No bajen los brazos.
Les animo a:
Permanecer firmes en la fe. No importa cuán intensa sea la prueba, Dios es más grande.
Orar sin cesar. La oración de Daniel lo sostuvo en tiempos difíciles, y lo mismo hará con nosotros.
Confiar en la fidelidad de Dios. Él no abandona a sus hijos, y con Él, todo es posible (Mateo 19:26).
Como pastor, oro y me preocupo por cada uno de ustedes. Quiero que sepan que no están solos en su lucha. Como iglesia, estamos aquí para apoyarnos, fortalecernos y caminar juntos en la fe. Dios es nuestro refugio y fortaleza, nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones (Salmo 46:1).
Les animo a seguir confiando en nuestro Dios todopoderoso. Juntos en Él, venceremos cualquier horno, cualquier león, cualquier desafío.
En el amor de Cristo,
Pastor Arturo Mejía
Rogers Christian Church – Rogers Comunidad Cristiana
Querida familia en Cristo de Rogers Christian Church y Rogers Comunidad Cristiana,
Reciban un saludo lleno de amor y bendición en el nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Oro para que la paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, guarde sus corazones y pensamientos en estos tiempos de prueba y desafío.
Hoy quiero hablarles desde mi corazón pastoral, con preocupación y esperanza, porque sé que muchos de ustedes están enfrentando circunstancias difíciles. En nuestro caminar con Cristo, nos encontramos con pruebas que pueden parecer abrumadoras, momentos en los que el mundo parece estar en contra nuestra y en los que la fe se pone a prueba como oro en el fuego.
Pero no estamos solos. La Palabra nos da ejemplos de hombres y mujeres que enfrentaron desafíos extraordinarios con una fe inquebrantable. Pensemos en Daniel y sus amigos en Babilonia. Fueron llevados a una tierra extraña, enfrentaron la presión de una cultura que no adoraba a Dios, y aun así se mantuvieron firmes.
Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego fueron arrojados al horno de fuego porque se rehusaron a doblar sus rodillas ante un rey terrenal. Pero en medio de las llamas, no estaban solos: Dios mismo estuvo con ellos y los libró (Daniel 3:25).
Daniel fue arrojado al foso de los leones porque se mantuvo fiel en su oración a Dios. Pero el Señor cerró la boca de los leones y lo libró (Daniel 6:22).
A pesar de estar en Babilonia, lejos de su hogar, Daniel y sus amigos no dejaron que su entorno definiera su fe. Se mantuvieron firmes en Dios y Él les dio gracia, sabiduría y victoria.
Querida iglesia, hoy vivimos en un mundo que muchas veces se siente como Babilonia. La presión de la cultura, las pruebas económicas, la enfermedad, la incertidumbre y el sufrimiento pueden hacernos sentir como si estuviéramos en un horno de fuego o en un foso de leones. Pero quiero recordarles: ¡No estamos solos!
Dios sigue con nosotros, como estuvo con Daniel y sus amigos. Él sigue cerrando bocas de leones, sigue caminando con nosotros en el fuego, sigue sosteniendo a su pueblo. No teman. No se rindan. No bajen los brazos.
Les animo a:
Permanecer firmes en la fe. No importa cuán intensa sea la prueba, Dios es más grande.
Orar sin cesar. La oración de Daniel lo sostuvo en tiempos difíciles, y lo mismo hará con nosotros.
Confiar en la fidelidad de Dios. Él no abandona a sus hijos, y con Él, todo es posible (Mateo 19:26).
Como pastor, oro y me preocupo por cada uno de ustedes. Quiero que sepan que no están solos en su lucha. Como iglesia, estamos aquí para apoyarnos, fortalecernos y caminar juntos en la fe. Dios es nuestro refugio y fortaleza, nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones (Salmo 46:1).
Les animo a seguir confiando en nuestro Dios todopoderoso. Juntos en Él, venceremos cualquier horno, cualquier león, cualquier desafío.
En el amor de Cristo,
Pastor Arturo Mejía
Rogers Christian Church – Rogers Comunidad Cristiana
Pastoral Letter: With God, All Things Are Possible
Dear family in Christ at Rogers Christian Church and Rogers Comunidad,
I send you my warmest greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds during these times of trial and challenge.
Today, I want to speak to you from my pastoral heart, with both concern and hope, because I know that many of you are facing difficult circumstances. In our walk with Christ, we encounter trials that may seem overwhelming—moments when the world seems to stand against us and our faith is tested like gold in the fire.
But we are not alone. The Word gives us examples of men and women who faced extraordinary challenges with unshakable faith. Let us look at Daniel and his friends in Babylon. They were taken to a foreign land, pressured by a culture that did not worship God, yet they stood firm.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow before an earthly king. But in the midst of the flames, they were not alone: God Himself was with them and delivered them (Daniel 3:25).
Daniel was thrown into the lions' den because he remained faithful in prayer to God. But the Lord shut the mouths of the lions and saved him (Daniel 6:22).
Even though they were in Babylon, far from home, Daniel and his friends did not let their surroundings define their faith. They remained faithful to God, and He gave them grace, wisdom, and victory.
Beloved church, today we live in a world that often feels like Babylon. The pressures of culture, financial struggles, illness, uncertainty, and suffering can make us feel as if we are in a fiery furnace or a den of lions. But I want to remind you: We are not alone!
God is still with us, just as He was with Daniel and his friends. He still shuts the mouths of lions, still walks with us in the fire, and still upholds His people. Do not be afraid. Do not give up. Do not lose heart.
I encourage you to:
Stand firm in faith. No matter how intense the trial, God is greater.
Pray without ceasing. Daniel’s prayer life sustained him in difficult times, and it will do the same for us.
Trust in God’s faithfulness. He does not abandon His children, and with Him, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
As your pastor, I pray for each of you and carry a deep concern for your struggles. I want you to know that you are not alone in this battle. As a church, we are here to support one another, strengthen one another, and walk together in faith. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
I encourage you to keep trusting in our almighty God. Together in Him, we will overcome any furnace, any lion, any challenge.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Arturo Mejía
Rogers Christian Church – Rogers Comunidad Cristiana
Dear family in Christ at Rogers Christian Church and Rogers Comunidad,
I send you my warmest greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds during these times of trial and challenge.
Today, I want to speak to you from my pastoral heart, with both concern and hope, because I know that many of you are facing difficult circumstances. In our walk with Christ, we encounter trials that may seem overwhelming—moments when the world seems to stand against us and our faith is tested like gold in the fire.
But we are not alone. The Word gives us examples of men and women who faced extraordinary challenges with unshakable faith. Let us look at Daniel and his friends in Babylon. They were taken to a foreign land, pressured by a culture that did not worship God, yet they stood firm.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow before an earthly king. But in the midst of the flames, they were not alone: God Himself was with them and delivered them (Daniel 3:25).
Daniel was thrown into the lions' den because he remained faithful in prayer to God. But the Lord shut the mouths of the lions and saved him (Daniel 6:22).
Even though they were in Babylon, far from home, Daniel and his friends did not let their surroundings define their faith. They remained faithful to God, and He gave them grace, wisdom, and victory.
Beloved church, today we live in a world that often feels like Babylon. The pressures of culture, financial struggles, illness, uncertainty, and suffering can make us feel as if we are in a fiery furnace or a den of lions. But I want to remind you: We are not alone!
God is still with us, just as He was with Daniel and his friends. He still shuts the mouths of lions, still walks with us in the fire, and still upholds His people. Do not be afraid. Do not give up. Do not lose heart.
I encourage you to:
Stand firm in faith. No matter how intense the trial, God is greater.
Pray without ceasing. Daniel’s prayer life sustained him in difficult times, and it will do the same for us.
Trust in God’s faithfulness. He does not abandon His children, and with Him, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
As your pastor, I pray for each of you and carry a deep concern for your struggles. I want you to know that you are not alone in this battle. As a church, we are here to support one another, strengthen one another, and walk together in faith. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).
I encourage you to keep trusting in our almighty God. Together in Him, we will overcome any furnace, any lion, any challenge.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Arturo Mejía
Rogers Christian Church – Rogers Comunidad Cristiana
Contact Arturo Here:

EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study @ 9:30am in the Student Center!
EVERY WEDNESDAY (During the School Year) - OASIS - 6th-12th grade LifeGroups and Worship @ 6:30pm
February 28th-March 1st - Rise Girls Weekend - Feb 28th @ 5pm to Mar 1st @ 5pm // $55 per person (Includes 3 meals, and going to Locomotion). It’s an overnight lock-in at RCC just for girls! We'll be worshipping together, having fun, and serving at Saving Grace that Saturday. MUST SIGN UP TO ATTEND
- Change of Clothing (including clothes you can get dirty in),
- Bedding, air mattress or sleeping pad
- Comfortable shoes
- A Coat
- Toiletries
- Pen & Bible
March 22nd - WinterJam! $25 per student. Only the best Christian Concert of the year! We'll head out to Tulsa, Oklahoma for WinterJam at the BOK Center! We leave the RCC parking lot at 1pm! We'll be back by 12am! Must Sing up to attend!
March 26th - No Wednesday Oasis - Enjoy Spring Break!
July 20th-25th - Sr. High Camp: An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ! Early Bird Price of $325 due by June 12th. Regular price is $350.
July 6th-10th - Middle School Camp: An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ! Early Bird Price of $290 due by June 12th. Regular price is $315.
Register for Camp here starting January 2025
June 15th-21st - CIY MOVE :
- A High Octane Exploration of Who You are with God.
- Conference for high school students only!
- It's in Bowling Green, Ohio, and we'll be traveling to get there.
- $540 per person - fundraisers are available.
- Cost includes all food and board.
- Must sign up to attend!
479-426-5897 //
EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study @ 9:30am in the Student Center!
EVERY WEDNESDAY (During the School Year) - OASIS - 6th-12th grade LifeGroups and Worship @ 6:30pm
February 28th-March 1st - Rise Girls Weekend - Feb 28th @ 5pm to Mar 1st @ 5pm // $55 per person (Includes 3 meals, and going to Locomotion). It’s an overnight lock-in at RCC just for girls! We'll be worshipping together, having fun, and serving at Saving Grace that Saturday. MUST SIGN UP TO ATTEND
- Change of Clothing (including clothes you can get dirty in),
- Bedding, air mattress or sleeping pad
- Comfortable shoes
- A Coat
- Toiletries
- Pen & Bible
March 22nd - WinterJam! $25 per student. Only the best Christian Concert of the year! We'll head out to Tulsa, Oklahoma for WinterJam at the BOK Center! We leave the RCC parking lot at 1pm! We'll be back by 12am! Must Sing up to attend!
March 26th - No Wednesday Oasis - Enjoy Spring Break!
July 20th-25th - Sr. High Camp: An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ! Early Bird Price of $325 due by June 12th. Regular price is $350.
July 6th-10th - Middle School Camp: An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ! Early Bird Price of $290 due by June 12th. Regular price is $315.
Register for Camp here starting January 2025
June 15th-21st - CIY MOVE :
- A High Octane Exploration of Who You are with God.
- Conference for high school students only!
- It's in Bowling Green, Ohio, and we'll be traveling to get there.
- $540 per person - fundraisers are available.
- Cost includes all food and board.
- Must sign up to attend!
479-426-5897 //
Contact Isaac Here:

Making Waves in February!
January was an amazing month as we learned about John the Baptist and how he prepared the way for Jesus! Through his story, kids discovered that God gives them purpose, speaks to them, is powerful, and that His words are true. We loved watching them grow in their faith and confidence in God’s plan for their lives!
February: Jesus’ Miracles with Water
This month, we’re diving deep—literally! Just like an aquarium is full of fascinating sea creatures and wonders, Jesus performed incredible miracles with water that helped people see God’s power and love. In this four-week series, kids will explore some of Jesus’ most famous water-related miracles and discover that:
Calling All 4th & 5th Graders!
Don’t forget to sign up for SuperStart!—an amazing conference created just for preteens. It’s a weekend packed with fun, connection, and faith-building experiences. You don’t want your child to miss it!
Thank you for letting us partner with you to guide your kids closer to Jesus. We are so excited to see what God has in store for 2025!
Upcoming dates:
March 7th-8th: Superstart for kids in 4th and 5th grade. Parents & grandparents, this is an AWESOME conference designed just for preteens!
July 12th: Beginner Day 3 Camp (K-1st); Early Bird Pricing $40 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $55
July 14th-17th: Elementary Camp (3rd-5th); Early Bird Pricing $220 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $245
July 18th-19th: Overnight Camp (1st-2nd); Early Bird Pricing $85 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $110
January was an amazing month as we learned about John the Baptist and how he prepared the way for Jesus! Through his story, kids discovered that God gives them purpose, speaks to them, is powerful, and that His words are true. We loved watching them grow in their faith and confidence in God’s plan for their lives!
February: Jesus’ Miracles with Water
This month, we’re diving deep—literally! Just like an aquarium is full of fascinating sea creatures and wonders, Jesus performed incredible miracles with water that helped people see God’s power and love. In this four-week series, kids will explore some of Jesus’ most famous water-related miracles and discover that:
- Jesus does everything out of love.
- Jesus calls us to follow Him.
- Jesus knows what we need.
- Jesus can do anything!
Calling All 4th & 5th Graders!
Don’t forget to sign up for SuperStart!—an amazing conference created just for preteens. It’s a weekend packed with fun, connection, and faith-building experiences. You don’t want your child to miss it!
Thank you for letting us partner with you to guide your kids closer to Jesus. We are so excited to see what God has in store for 2025!
Upcoming dates:
March 7th-8th: Superstart for kids in 4th and 5th grade. Parents & grandparents, this is an AWESOME conference designed just for preteens!
July 12th: Beginner Day 3 Camp (K-1st); Early Bird Pricing $40 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $55
July 14th-17th: Elementary Camp (3rd-5th); Early Bird Pricing $220 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $245
July 18th-19th: Overnight Camp (1st-2nd); Early Bird Pricing $85 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $110
Contact Jamie Here:

Love is our theme for the month of February. We will learn all about the people who love us, Our family, Our friends, and, most importantly, Our God! This month, your child will hear words and songs about God’s gift of families; feel appreciation for family members; and hear stories about God’s love for his children.
Sing It
Jesus Loves me this I know,
For the Bible Tells me so!
Little ones to him belong,
They are weak but he is strong!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible Tells me So!

VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!
We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes- BIGGEST NEED!
If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.
Thank you!
Sing It
Jesus Loves me this I know,
For the Bible Tells me so!
Little ones to him belong,
They are weak but he is strong!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible Tells me So!
VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!
We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes- BIGGEST NEED!
If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.
Thank you!
Email Andrea, The Nursery Coordinator, with the form below:

Community Groups are active! If you aren't involved in a C-Group and would like to be, please contact Zach Davis with the form below!

Men’s Breakfast
Guys of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, February 8th, for our Men’s Breakfast! RCC's own, Tony Streck, will be our guest speaker. We will meet in the Worship Center at 8am for an awesome time of food and community! Bring some friends, and we hope to see you there!
Guys of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, February 8th, for our Men’s Breakfast! RCC's own, Tony Streck, will be our guest speaker. We will meet in the Worship Center at 8am for an awesome time of food and community! Bring some friends, and we hope to see you there!

Women’s Ministry Gathering
Join us Monday, February 10th, at 6:30pm for our monthly Women's Gathering! We will be enjoying dinner, worship, door prizes, games, and fellowship! Childcare will be provided. See you there!
Join us Monday, February 10th, at 6:30pm for our monthly Women's Gathering! We will be enjoying dinner, worship, door prizes, games, and fellowship! Childcare will be provided. See you there!

Sweet Blessings & a Note Outreach
Join us February 22nd for “Passing Sweet Blessings & a Note”, a new outreach event to share kindness and encouragement with our community. We will meet at 6am in the Worship Center to pack donut boxes and attach notes, then will head to the Kum & Go at 28th and Walnut to hand out the sweet treats and notes to brighten someone’s day. Such a simple act of love that can make a lasting impact. Contact Arturo,, with questions.
Join us February 22nd for “Passing Sweet Blessings & a Note”, a new outreach event to share kindness and encouragement with our community. We will meet at 6am in the Worship Center to pack donut boxes and attach notes, then will head to the Kum & Go at 28th and Walnut to hand out the sweet treats and notes to brighten someone’s day. Such a simple act of love that can make a lasting impact. Contact Arturo,, with questions.
Iglesia Cristiana De Las Mujeras
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose el Sabado 22 de Febrero a las 2pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-0795, o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose el Sabado 22 de Febrero a las 2pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-0795, o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.

The 8th Street Motel Serving Ministry
Our next service at The 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, February 27th. We need 2 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.
Our next service at The 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, February 27th. We need 2 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.

New Baby Room
Due to all of the new babies in our church family, we have created a new baby room for parents and their children. This is a space where you you will find a changing table, play mat, chairs, and a tv that will be live streaming the Sunday service. The Baby Room is located near the coffee in the Worship Center. Enjoy!
Due to all of the new babies in our church family, we have created a new baby room for parents and their children. This is a space where you you will find a changing table, play mat, chairs, and a tv that will be live streaming the Sunday service. The Baby Room is located near the coffee in the Worship Center. Enjoy!

Homebound Communion
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067,
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067,

The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.
The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.

Are you crafty? Or do you just have a heart for those in pain? Join this ministry!
Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness (Illness lasting 6+ months)
How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.
Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness (Illness lasting 6+ months)
How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.