Current Sermon Series


Pastor, author and attorney, Carey Nieuwhof, wrote an article where he outlined 10 reasons that even committed church attenders are attending less.

Six months ago, I don’t know that I would have read that article.  I didn’t find myself writing many cards, reaching out to people we haven’t seen in several weeks, wondering if perhaps something was wrong with them.  Fast forward six months, and our staff have sent out multiple cards to multiple family units letting them know that they are missed.  Letting them know that they are needed.  Letting them know that we haven’t gone anywhere.  While this is something somewhat common during the summer months, it deserves our attention!

So, when Nieuwhof’s article came into my email recently, I wanted to see what he had to say about this pandemic of a spiritual variety that is impacting churches in our country.  Here are those 10 reasons:
1. Greater affluence.  Money gives people options.
2. A higher focus on kids’ activities.  A growing number of kids are playing sports. And a growing number of kids are playing on teams that require travel.
3. More travel.  Despite a wobbly economy, travel is on the rise, both for business and pleasure.
4. Blended and and single parent families. Churches need to remember that when custody is shared in a family situation, ‘perfect’ attendance for a kid or teen might be 26 Sundays a year.
5. Online options. Many churches have created a social media presence and many livestream their services.
6. The cultural disappearance of guilt.  The number of people who feel guilty about not being in church on Sunday shrinks daily.  In the article, Nieuwhof even says that he regularly meets people who LOVE their church but haven’t been in months!
7. Self-directed spirituality.  People are looking less to churches and leaders to help them grow spiritually, and more to other options.
8. Failure to see a direct benefit.  People always make time for the things they value most.  If they’re not making time for church, that tells you something.
9. Valuing attendance over engagement. When someone merely attends church, the likelihood of showing up regularly or even engaging in their faith decreases over time.  Those that are engaged members rather than Sunday attenders attend the most and the most consistently.
10. A massive culture shift.  All of these trends witness to something deeper. Our culture is shifting. Seismically.

It’s my hope that our people won’t be the transportation of the seismic culture shift into our church family.  I believe with all my heart that the most foundational thing in our spiritual lives is that we regularly worship with, serve with, study with, and grow with our church family.  Since you’re reading this, I would imagine that you agree with that statement for the most part.  So, as your brother, friend and pastor, let me encourage you to evaluate your attendance with some questions.
-If someone looked at my calendar, who would they say is the leader of my life?
-Have I allowed a ministry that I love to get in the way of my being faithful to my church family?
-What is our current message series, and if I don’t know, why don’t I know?
-When I consider my attendance patterns, is that the same I’d want for my children and grandchildren?
-How might my attendance patterns be hurting me spiritually?
-How might my attendance patterns negatively impact my church family?
-Is there a way to rework my vacation schedule so that I can be away, but make it back in time to see my church family on Sunday?

God continues to send us new families, and is growing our congregation in many ways, including numerically. As a pastor though, when members of the flock are seen less and less, there is one logical conclusion that is coming:  eventually, we won’t see them at all.  It’s my prayer that each of us will lean in on the value of assembling with the body.  Remember, it’s only when we’re together that we are the church!

In Christ,

Contact Zach Here:


Philippians 4:8, “… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

These words from the Apostle Paul are life-giving to a culture that is highly influenced by social media. I don’t want to spend time bashing the socials, there are many positives that social media brings to our lives. However, social media can inform our minds to insecurity. We deal with that so much in our home, it is very easy to compare our lives with that of someone else’s whom do we don’t know. Not only can Paul’s teaching inform our mental health, but it also speaks into our interpersonal relationships.

Currently as a father, I am having conversations with my children about people in their lives whom they don’t get along with or agree with. We can start to hyper focus on the negative aspects of someone’s life until all they see is the worst in that person, which allows no room for the positive characteristics in that person’s life.

As we deal with our own personal issues and manage our relationships, spend time dwelling on the something positive, “ … if anything is excellent or praiseworthy …”

We have an amazing opportunity coming this summer for the leaders of our Community Groups. We are hosting Dr. Teresa Roberts (Professor at Ozark Christian College) on Saturday, July 20, from 9am to 12pm. She is passionate about group ministry and will share her teaching and group leading experiences. If you lead an adult C-Group, then this is for you!

Servin’ God and Lovin’ It!

Contact Allen Here:

Iglesia Cristiana

Find your direction.

"Point out to me anything in me that offends you and lead me on the path of eternal life." Psalm 139:24, NLT.

Do you have difficulty perceiving what God wants you to do at certain times? Have your emotions become so dominant that it is difficult to perceive God's leading? If so, pray and ask the Lord to point out promises in Scripture to hold onto when your faith faces a challenge.

Don't react immediately to situations when they arise. Instead, take time to seek the Father by opening His Word and asking Him to provide you with an understanding of your circumstances. When you do, God will give you verses that will support your soul. In time, you will begin to see how He is leading you in a clear and loving way.

Continue to put the matter before the Lord until you are sure not only of the path, but of having reached the destination. God knows your heart and realizes the depth of your feelings regarding the situation on your mind today. Trust that He is working in your life in ways that you may not fully understand at the time, but that will eventually reveal His love and care for you.

You can trust Him to guide you wisely, even when the path is not clear. So, have faith in His ability to teach you and in His love that surpasses all understanding. Allow faith in your divine guidance to strengthen you at all times. Continue to trust in the wisdom that comes from above, for in it you will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Remember that the search for divine direction is an ongoing journey, filled with learning and spiritual growth. Spend time in prayer and scripture meditation, and you will see how God's clarity and peace fill your heart and mind, renewing you with hope and strength.

Lord, reveal to me the verses you want me to hold on to and help me to hear your voice clearly. Amen.

Take the time to seek God, and you will see how He illuminates your path with His divine light. Allow faith in your divine guidance to strengthen you at all times and fill you with confidence and serenity. Continue to trust in the wisdom that comes from heaven, for in it you will find the peace that passes all understanding and the assurance that you are on the right path to God's will.

Remember that the search for divine direction is an ongoing journey, filled with learning and spiritual growth. Spend time in prayer and scripture meditation, and you will see how God's clarity and peace fill your heart and mind with love and purpose. Trust that the Lord is working in your life in ways that you may not fully understand at the time, but that will eventually reveal His love and care for you every step of the way.

God is good.
La Paz de Dios te acompañe

Pastor, Arturo Mejia

Encuentra tu dirección.
Señálame cualquier cosa en mí que te ofenda y guíame por el camino de la vida eterna. Salmo 139:24, NTV.

¿Tienes dificultades para percibir lo que Dios quiere que hagas en ciertos momentos? ¿Tus emociones se han vuelto tan dominantes que es difícil percibir la dirección de Dios? Si es así, ora y pídele al Señor que te señale las promesas de las Escrituras a las que debes aferrarte cuando tu fe se enfrente a un desafío.

No reacciones inmediatamente a las situaciones cuando surjan. En lugar de eso, tómate el tiempo para buscar al Padre abriendo Su Palabra y pidiéndole que te proporcione una comprensión de tus circunstancias. Cuando lo hagas, Dios te dará versículos que sostendrán tu alma. Con el tiempo, comenzarás a ver cómo Él te está guiando de una manera clara y amorosa.

Continúen poniendo el asunto ante el Señor hasta que estén seguros no solo del camino, sino de haber llegado a la meta. Dios conoce tu corazón y se da cuenta de la profundidad de tus sentimientos con respecto a la situación que tienes en mente hoy. Confía en que Él está obrando en tu vida de maneras que tal vez no entiendas completamente en ese momento, pero que eventualmente revelarán Su amor y cuidado por ti.

Puedes confiar en Él para que te guíe sabiamente, incluso cuando el camino no esté claro. Así que ten fe en Su capacidad para enseñarte y en Su amor que sobrepasa todo entendimiento. Permite que la fe en tu guía divina te fortalezca en todo momento. Continúen confiando en la sabiduría que viene de lo alto, porque en ella encontrarán la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento.

Recuerde que la búsqueda de la dirección divina es un viaje continuo, lleno de aprendizaje y crecimiento espiritual. Dedica tiempo a la oración y a la meditación de las Escrituras, y verás cómo la claridad y la paz de Dios llenan tu corazón y tu mente, renovándote con esperanza y fortaleza.

Señor, revélame los versículos a los que quieres que me aferre y ayúdame a escuchar tu voz con claridad. Amén.

Tómate el tiempo para buscar a Dios y verás cómo Él ilumina tu camino con Su luz divina. Permite que la fe en tu guía divina te fortalezca en todo momento y te llene de confianza y serenidad. Continúen confiando en la sabiduría que viene del cielo, porque en ella encontrarán la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento y la seguridad de que están en el camino correcto hacia la voluntad de Dios.

Recuerde que la búsqueda de la dirección divina es un viaje continuo, lleno de aprendizaje y crecimiento espiritual. Dedique tiempo a la oración y a la meditación de las Escrituras, y verá cómo la claridad y la paz de Dios llenan su corazón y su mente de amor y propósito. Confía en que el Señor está obrando en tu vida de maneras que tal vez no entiendas completamente en ese momento, pero que eventualmente revelará Su amor y cuidado por ti en cada paso del camino".

God is good.
La Paz de Dios te acompañe
Pastor, Arturo Mejia

Contact Arturo Here:
Numa Student Calendar - July-August

EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study at 9:30 am!

July 7-12 - Middle School Week at Maranatha Bible Camp - must sign up

July 19 - Climb Bentonville Trip - 12 pm to 4 pm - $25, must sign up

July 21-26 - Senior High Week at Maranatha Bible Camp - must sign up

July 31 - Basketball/Volleyball Competitions - 5 pm to 9 pm - must sign up - Dinner provided!

August 21 - Wednesday Night Kick-off! - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

For Camp: please go here to register for either of the above dates:

479-426-5897 // isaac@rogerscc.org

Contact Isaac Here: 

What's Happening!

Here’s what’s coming up in our ministry . . .


(For kids GOING INTO grades PREK-1) $55
(For kids GOING INTO grades 1-2) $130
(For kids GOING INTO grades 3-5) $225

This will be a fun night to start our new semester. Kids should wear a swimsuit and bring a towel and change of clothes.

What We're Teaching!

Turn It Up!  A 5-Week Series on Daniel

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, kids will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and they’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.
MEMORY VERSE: “Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp." — Psalm 147:7 (NIV)

Contact Jamie Here: 

Happy Summer, RCC!

I pray you are all finding ways to keep yourselves and your little ones cool in this heat!  Its definitely been a hot summer so far!

During the month of July, we will be discussing that God made everything. Your children will hear words and songs about God making people, feel glad for his or her body, and participate in a variety of fun activities and games. Our theme this month comes from Job 33:4 “The spirit of God made me.”

Point out specific features that make each of us unique. Say things like “Johnny, God made you will such beautiful blue eyes!”  or “Sarah, I’m so glad God gave you such beautiful curly hair.”  Talk about how God made each one of us unique in our own special ways.
SING IT (to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel”)
I have two eyes
I have two ears
I have two hands and feet
I have one mouth
And one little nose
But, oh, so many fingers and toes!

VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!

We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Whales Classroom Teachers (highest need!)
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes

If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.  
Thank you!

Email Andrea, The Nursery Coordinator, with the form below:


It’s always a pleasure for the International Missions Committee to catch up with Paul Wilson of Vision for Missions, a Philippines-based missions team RCC supports that is focused on sharing the Gospel with those native to the area. Paul recently shared several exciting updates, including a new restroom that’s being built for their camp, a great addition that will accommodate over 6,000 kids who are attending VBS. But the most exciting news he shared was the number of followers who have come to Christ and been baptized recently. So far, a total of seventy-six campers have been baptized already! Please continue to pray for Paul and Vision for Missions as they continue to do the work of Jesus in the Philippines!

-The International Missions Committee

Community Groups are active! If you aren't involved in a C-Group and would like to be, please contact Allen Williams with the form below!


Ladies Out to Lunch Bunch
All ladies are invited to lunch on July 15th at 11am at the Golden Corral in Rogers. This is a fun time of fellowship with other ladies, and we hope you will join us! Contact Krista Howard, 479-903-5762, for more information.
RCC Community Blood Drive
On July 19th from 12-4pm, we are partnering with the Red Cross for a Blood Drive! Please visit redcrossblood.org, or click the button below to get scheduled. Thank you for partnering with us to serve our community!
The 8th Street Motel Serving Ministry
Our next service at The 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, July 25th. We need 4 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center Kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.
New Cry Room
Due to all of the new babies in our church family, we have created a new cry room for parents and their children. This room is located near the coffee in the Worship Center. The room has chairs, a changing station, and a live feed of our services. Enjoy! 
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose el Sabado 27 de Julio a las 2pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-0795, o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.
Homebound Communion
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067, zach@rogerscc.org).
The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.
Are you crafty?  Or do you just have a heart for those in pain? Join this ministry!

Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness  (Illness lasting 6+ months)

How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a  Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.

Contact the Office: 

Let's work together.

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.